Desires of a Daughter’s Heart

by: Nikki Smith
Today, during practice, my chess coach asked what my strategy was.
I quickly babbled my plan to use my pieces to maneuver across the game board and checkmate the king. He laughed off my response and asked me to rethink the question. He was asking what my strategy was for life.
Suddenly it hit me; Mr. Peak wasn’t going to be around any longer. During his time as my middle school chess coach he had been preparing me for this moment of truth. No longer would I enjoy his lessons on life across the black and white game board, soon I will be on my own.
My coach informed me that like the game of chess, success in life only comes when a strategy is well executed. High school begins soon and with it comes college choices, extracurricular activities, and ACT testing. I need to put a strategy in place.
My thoughts immediately went to you. Between the clubs, weed, and the several “uncles” that creep out of your bedroom at night, I was unsure what part you would play in my strategy.
I thought I could do this on my own. I only had myself to worry about. I could just go to school, get good grades, get a scholarship and everything would be ok. But my chess coach told me that even though my plans may be perfect, my situation is not. Therefore some changes need to be made to ensure that I accomplish success despite my circumstances.
I need you. I need you to put the drugs down and trust that my nights are not filled with the things you used to do as a teenager, but legitimately doing homework. I need you to take my safety into consideration and stop letting our home be a revolving door. I need you to be a cheerleader during my victories and an encourager during my struggles.
But most importantly, I need you to understand that I am doing the best I can to be a positive role model for my four younger sisters and brothers, but I shouldn’t have to do this on my own. Simply stated, I need you to play your role in my strategy for life. These are the desires of your daughter’s heart.
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