The Transformational Agenda Magazine 26th Edition
It’s been a while—since we last published.
You see, Howard required 13 hours of surgery to implant an artificial spine, and there were complications, and months in a rehab facility, and the unexpected need to learn to walk again, and to give up the painkillers, and to find the right nerve medications. It took a while, actually a long while, but he’s back, as good as ever and raring to go. Vickie is thrilled to have gotten to press and also to be relieved of nursing duties. Truly committed love really is ‘for better and for worst’. Thank you for your patience and your understanding, for your love sustained us.
The last print and electronic editions continued to work, of course. And here’s a brand-new edition for 2020. Howard & Vickie are focused and committed to ensuring that the 2021 edition will be the biggest and best ever. Because the need is greater than ever. We need to find one another so we can patronize one another, help folk new to town to get acclimated, to share empowering information, and to allow others who want to advance the African American community to be able to do so with their dollars.
This edition celebrates our 400 Years of Triumph. Our first ancestors to be enslaved in America arrived in Virginia in 1619. New York Times Magazine devoted its entire August 18th, 2019 edition to truth telling regarding slavery and how it has been the defining, pivotal, and essential contributor to the wealth of America; and our continual insistence that this nation live up to its founding vision as expressed in the constitution. In spite of it all, our ancestors chose life so that we could know today.
The entire truth really will set us free, so Black Pages is proud to present America’s racial history with ‘intellectual honesty’. It is the requirement of our healing and the foundation for racial reconciliation in America. The universe is now aligned for our healing transformation.
Have you heard? “Black folk must project our power—our spending power.” Only African Americans can heal the African American community—and healing is exactly what we need.
The Transformational Agenda Magazine 26th Edition
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