Be Empowered

Voluntary Service and Time Tithing
Some perform episodic (one-time) voluntary service, but at its core Time Tithing is about consistently volunteering a portion of the time that you control (hours spent not working or sleeping) to on-going community service. When we engage in on-going voluntary service, we begin to see the change that our communities need.
Do you take pride in being of service?
By serving others, you will feel better about yourself and will be more likely to have a positive view of your life and future goals. Service builds social skills and is an excellent way to find new friends. Research reports that it increases happiness, benefits physical and mental health, and results in a longer life.
There Are Joys and Benefits of Voluntary Service
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Is money your only incentive?
Just because volunteer work is unpaid does not mean the skills you learn are basic. Studies have shown that those who volunteer often report gaining skills such as communication, project planning, budgeting, and employee management. These skills can be used in your current workplace and/or can help you gain employment. Recent research found that 73% of employers say that they would hire a candidate with volunteer experience over one without, and 94% of employees who volunteered reported learning valuable skills that helped land a job, improve their salary, or gain a promotion.
Service Strengthens Resumes
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Are you motivated enough?
It is important to understand your personal reasons for volunteering. About what are you passionate? What change do you wish to see in the world? Who do you desire to positively impact, and why? Once you have these questions answered, you will find it easier to narrow down the many volunteer possibilities to a few specific choices.
Internet sites like the United Way’s Volunteer Center (,,, and are great resources for finding your perfect volunteer opportunity.
You Can Find a Great Opportunity to Serve
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Will you act to change the world?
The truth of Margaret Mead’s famous quote is undeniable. She shared, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Believe in your power to impact positive change, and recognize that a small number of Time Tithers, who share the same passion, vision, conviction, and willingness to act, can and do change the world. So if you have been blessed with the skills and passion to change the world, or are willing to support those who have been blessed to, then by all means don’t just think about it—do it!
Change the World
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No one will heal our community for us, and healing is exactly what we need.
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