Andy’s Seasoning, Inc.

The St. Louis community may be surprised to learn that a multi-million dollar corporation began as a side job out of Reuben and Katherine Anderson’s basement. Against all odds, and with strength, will, and determination, Andy’s Seasoning has created unprecedented success.
Founded in 1981, Andy’s has built a reputation for strong business ethics, prompt payment of suppliers, perfection, an unyielding love for their community, and strong support of non-profit organizations. These attributes have led the family behind Andy’s Seasoning to achieve financial success and to become a vital and inspirational member of the civic community. Andy’s Seasoning produces seasoned salt, fish and chicken breading, and other custom blended breading and batters. The products can be purchased in stores nationwide. Locally, it can be purchased at Schnuck’s, Dierbergs, Sam’s, Shop “N” Save, Food for Less and other grocers in and around St. Louis.
After the passing of the tenacious Reuben “Andy” Anderson, Mrs. Anderson continued the company’s legacy, receiving countless awards and recognition. She is not only an inspiration to women looking to maximize their potential, but any small business owner who is seeking success despite recent economic downturns.
After her passing in 2011, Andy’s is now headed by Mrs. Anderson’s strong yet kind-hearted son, Pastor Larry W. Lee. Under his leadership, Andy’s Seasoning will continue its success for the company is committed to “…do everything in [their] power to make the company a good place to work and serve as an asset to our community.”
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